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Super Sun!

If you leave the tap running while cleaning your teeth for 2 minutes, do you know how much water you will waste? Read on to find out more...

Learning about how to save energy and renewable energy sources is part of the curriculum in Primary Schools. As a company who installs and maintains equipment that rely on energy to run, we are very aware of the effect this energy usage can have on the environment and keep up to date with how we can preserve energy wherever possible.

We recently teamed up with Mitsubishi Electric to run a programme called the Mitsubishi Electric to a group of Year 1 pupils teaching them how simple actions can save lots of energy.

The School

JCW has worked for Bristol City Council since 2004 providing maintenance services to their air conditioning systems within a large proportion of their portfolio of Civic buildings. We chose to run the Learning Curve programme with one of their schools - Hannah More Primary where their children were taught about the Super Sun, Whooshing Wind and Wonderful Water, all the essential renewable energy sources, all very powerful.

The Lesson

The team from Mitsubishi Electric took the children through the story of how magical and powerful the Super Sun is and why it has started to feel unwell. The team showed the children ways they could help it feel better by just doing a couple of things to not waste energy. 

First of all the children pledged to not leave their bedroom lights on when they weren't using it and then they conducted an experiment to find out how much water is wasted when they leave the tap running while brushing their teeth.

The results were quite eye opening with nearly 10 litres wasted per child, every time they brushed. They all pledged to turn the tap off from now on so they could all help the Super Sun feel better.

Finally the children were shown examples of how powerful the renewable energy sources really are with the sun being able to fry an egg, water having the strength to move cars and how the wind can blow over huge trees. Just think how much energy we can gain by utilising such power...

Consumers of Tomorrow

We would like to extend a big thank you to Hannah More Primary School for supporting this event and allowing us the opportunity to teach their pupils how important it is not to waste energy resources.

We at JCW are also very proud to say that, with the support of Mitsubishi Electric, we are actively considering the environment by educating the consumers of tomorrow to be me more savvy when it comes to the future of renewable energy.

To find out more about our Environmental Commitment, click here.

Update 31st January 2018...

We were so happy to receive this wonderful card from Hannah More Primary School Year 1's: