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Mr Hedgley's Next Challenge

Not one for walking away from a challenge, our Managing Director, Kurt Hedgley has gone and put his foot in it again!

The Challenge

Kurt was recently approached by our business partner Mitsubishi who asked him if he would like to join in a charity bike ride.  Of course, Kurt could not refuse and as with everything, enthusiastically agreed.  Only later did he realise that this particular bike ride would be 555 kilometres long!

Never phased by such a challenge Kurt has approached this with vigour and has now bought a bike. Good start!

The Cause

The Saigon to Angkor Wat bike ride involves cycling 555 kms past plantations, across waterways and through villages deep in the heart of the lush Mekong Delta in Vietnam, to the dry lands and contrasting sights of ancient Cambodia. Every penny raised will go directly to Save the Children's emergency funds.

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the UK and around the world, they give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. They do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.

Your Support Matters

Kurt has taken on a huge challenge for someone who is not currently a regular cyclist so your support of him truly matters.  Please show this support by visiting his Virgin Money Giving page and making a donation.  Every donation counts.  100% of the funds raised will go to Save the Children so you really will be making a difference to children's lives.

We will be following Kurt's progress through our Blog and on social media so if you are interested to see how he gets on, then watch this space!